2015 - 2016 Eighth Treasurer's Report

Treasure Report & Budget Update:

Mabel presented Alex Dow’s report of DPAC’s VSB funding expenditures for February 2016 and year-to-date. VSB supplied finance statement attached. Catering appears to be the only expense that is currently being processed.

We can accept February's expense form if, the February 25 meeting is the last business you are planning for the Calendar month.

Treasurer did not receive the monthly account statement from VSB Finance and will check into that and should have an updated one for next meeting.

Upcoming City Wide, April 7. Room 120, the Cafe, the board room and room 106A&B are booked for the event. The space has no charge to DPAC - see attached.

We need to make a guest estimate and allocate a budget for catering. Catering menu range from 45 per 85 per 10 served for food and coffee / tea / juices range $2 to 3 per person. If we are hoping to attract upwards of 100 guests $750 - 1000 would not be out of line for this event see price list attached. Promotion is handled through or website and EventBrite, both of which are free.

BCCPAC is coming up as well. We should decide how many delegates we want to send to the conference and AGM and so we can budget for that event.

Invoices still outstanding for other expenses until funding is reinstated.

2015 - 2016 Seventh Treasurers Report

Concessions were missed for the November 12, 2015, December 3, 2015 and January 10, 24, 2016 meetings.

Outside concessions bought in for the December 10, 2015 meeting were under $50 for the sandwiches and cookies and we scavenged a coffee service from an earlier meeting.
Awaiting the invoice for the Aboriginal

Enhancement conference attended from late November.

Future expenses:

Upcoming City Wide, February 25. 

  • Venue, Catering, Speakers, etc.

The BCCPAC conference and AGM is being held at the Coast Capri hotel in Kelowna, April 28 to May 1. Travel expenses and conference/AGM fees for DPAC might be covered by the gaming grant.
The conference costs is $200 (Friday, including an no-host reception Thursday night) and the AGM (Saturday and Sunday) is $75 per person. Lunch and snack breaks are covered for Friday and Saturday (AGM ends just before lunch Sunday).

Room rates for the Coast Capri:  

Provincial Government employee rate for the rooms is $99 - 119 ++  per night
The BCAA Rate is $130 to 148 ++ per night (includes breakfast).
Limited Airport shuttle service to hotel (transfers). BCCPAC room rate is $130, but I do notbelieve that breakfast is included.

Checking on travel options: Airfare is around $250 return per person ATI.                   Driving would be $450+ per vehicle - (unless at least three people were to volunteer two hours additional hours of travel time each way. And there is a possibility of an additional night of accommodation expense, driving could actually be cost prohibitive.

Example for one delegate: travel is $250 + Conference fees are $275 + accommodation $300 + meals $100, incidentals $75 = approximately $1000 a head before any discounting.

We have $5400 budgeted for this, so six or seven delegates from DPAC could be accommodated.

This would be a great experience for everyone to attend.

BCCPAC is offering to cover travel expenses for three delegates from our district. I understand DPAC helps to decide who gets to be sponsored. Ideally BCCPAC would have three people carpool at 50 cents a km ($430.00).

But, again this could incur three additional room night.

Finally, I communicated with VSB finance requesting the backlog of monthly statements for minutes and postings. Apparently the Budgets group is working on finalizing the VBE’s 2015/16 budget and the DPAC budget updates will be included in this process. We should get updates before the end of next week.

2015 - 2016 Sixth Treasurers Report

Treasures report:

There were a few revelations since the last meeting I wish to share. I deferred the treasures report last week in order to better understand the new information provided by the VSB. Everyone on the executive should have received the updated VSB DPAC report update last week.

I have studied the flow of how the VSB accounts for our expenses. These are my findings:

  1. Child care expenses are accounted for under contracted services. This is the same account that is set up for the staff employee. 
  2. The back log of expenses from last year ( pre June 30, 2015) that went unpaid will appear this years expenses. To date we have paid $1683.80 in deferred from last year and another $150 pending (conference fee receipt went missing will be reimbursed). There will be a notation in the final numbers for the AGM and next year's ( 2016-2017) budget will be adjusted accordingly.
  3. Although we are not charged for the room accommodation for the meetings. The charges for concessions (Snacks), in my  are a bit generous. This should be taken under consideration by Finance Committee to consider.

Since our last meeting in October we have been quite busy. Five delegates went to the BCSTA ($50/each). One delegate went  to the Aboriginal Enhancement conference ($250). Governance training had additional expense apart from the registration noted in last report. Room and projector charge ($200), Breakfast and lunch ($300 approx.).

The BCCPAC membership was paid.

We are checking to see that we can assign the board governance charge to Gaming Grant. If so, the Chair can send them a cheque directly.

~ Treasurer, Vancouver  DPAC ~ 

2015 - 2016 Fifth Treasures Report

The fall chair's conference was covered by BCCPAC (Both Farah and Mabel) attended.

It was discovered that DPAC owed BCCPAC Conference fees for one delegate for both the Fall Conference and Spring
AGM 2014-15, $375 and $150 respectively. The invoices were forwarded to the VSB for processing.
 Board governance training contract ($1500) has been received.
 Finance Committee:
The VSB Secretary - Treasurer position is in an unexpected transition. An attempt to contact Lisa Landry to get us all in for a review has been made. 

The finance committee volunteers should commit to a date to meet(regardless of the status of the VSB finance).

~ Treasure, Vancouver DPAC ~ 

2015 - 2016 Fourth Treasurers Report

We have spent a small fraction of this year's budget year over year.  DPAC's largest expenditure is a contracted, administrative employee which we are currently in process of acquiring.

The budget numbers will be coming from the VSB near month's end and projected should be updated by the finance committee.

Year over year actuals should be available for the next DPAC meeting.

The fall DPAC conference is in Burnaby (not Nanaimo - last year) and it is for DPAC Chairs or alternate. Also BCCPAC travel allowance for one representative is included. Inquiries are being made for potential guest registration. Travel cost to the Burnaby Hilton is nearly negligible and the registration cost for this one day (two meals) event should be reasonable. We should be within budget to offer all members of Vancouver DPAC the opportunity of attending this event, as long as we are invited.

~ Treasurer, Vancouver DPAC~ 

2015 - 2016 Third Treasurers Report

Treasurer's Report: 
Only two charges appear on the budget for this year so far:
A paid invoice from last year for $609.60
Snacks, purchased internally through VSB Concessions for Sept. 24 meeting - $148.75

Other approved, but unpaid expenses from last year are now being processed:
Reimbursement of personal out of pocket (three months' worth) child care, travel, etc - $383.63 (DPAC executive)

Reimbursement of travel, (one meeting travel only),- $7.70 (DPAC executive)

Reimbursement of Child Care arranged for the last year's budget consultation - $43.75 (DPAC executive)

Mileage is reimburses at 0.55/ per kilometre.

Child minding rate appears to be $12 / hour to a maximum of four hours - VSB guidelines.